
Dr. Oh Hwajin (Ph.D.) ---Eclear Technical Director


Ph.D. of Material Science and Engineering 2012(Seoul National University, Korea)

Proficient in injection molding process, polymer processing, and plastic part manufacturing

    : rapid heating and cooling system, IML (In-mold Lamination), IMD (In-mold Decoration), ICM (Injection Compression Molding),

overmolding, gas injection molding, die-casting, thermal forming, lamination, dip, spray, and die coating  and etc.

Managing and leading the development of OLED module processes

: Bonding(COP, FOP, and COF), Dispensing, Laser cutting, 3D lamination for flexible OLED panel, Roll lamination for POL & Cu-foam, Bending

Experienced in the development of OLED module materials including design, fabrications, surface finishing, assembly, and manufacturing and the collaboration with suppliers in Korea, China, Vietnam and Japan

In-depth understanding of polymer structure-processing-property relationship and rheology of polymers

Knowledgeable about OLED module materials, plastic materials, mechanical engineering, heat transfer, and numerical simulation.

Before joining ECLEAR, Dr. Oh Hwajin was a Samsung scholorship student and worked for a number of years in Samsung Display as a Senior Engineer.


